Series 15 – vehicles of narrow gauge railways


Model of a functional motorized drezina with the body of a VW T3 utility vehicle. Similar vehicles, created by converting vans, are still in service on the narrow gauge lines of the Carpathian region.

A trio of closed narrow-gauge cars of the Za ČSD series, captured in the changes of time in the ČSD, ČHŽ and JHMD versions. The ČSD car is accompanied by a transported flock of sheep, the ČHŽ advertising car is loaded with a transport pallet with beer barrels, the JHMD model includes 5 bicycles.

Models in the series

Motor Car

Cat. no. : 2493

Price: 149

Size: H0e

Pieces: 6

Description of the model: Motor Car, converted from a VW-T3 utility vehicle. It impresses with its reliable driving characteristics and high pulling power.

Motor Car

Cat. no. : 2494

Price: 149

Size: H0e

Pieces: 6

Description of the model: Motor Car, converted from a VW-T3 bus. The rear of the model is fitted with the standard coupling for H0e models.

Freight wagon ČHŽ

Cat. no. : 2447

Price: 109

Size: H0e

Pieces: 8

Description of the model: A model of a four-axle freight wagon of the Čiernohronská železnice (ČHŽ) with an advertising sticker of the Čiernohronské elektrní železnice project. The model includes a pallet with six beer kegs.

Freight wagon JHMD

Cat. no. : 2448

Price: 109

Size: H0e

Pieces: 8

Description of the model: Model of a freight wagon of series Za/u JHMD, designed for transport of bicycles. The interior of the car is complete with a bike rack with three bikes, two more bikes and a seated cyclist figure are included separately.

Freight wagon ČSD

Cat. no. : 2449

Price: 109

Size: H0e

Pieces: 8

Description of the model: Four-axle freight wagon series Za/u ČSD with brake box and sliding doors. The interior of the car is completed with a transported flock of sheep.

You can buy the models

Gepard Model spol.s r.o.
Nám. SNP 87/8, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovensko
tel.: 00421 455320943