Series 11 – Brewery cars H0


The second series of models of brewery wagons also offers a trio of promotional wagons of Czech and Slovak breweries. The car of Pivovar Potštejn impresses not only with its unusual artwork but also with its differently printed sidewalls.

Models in the series

Smädný Mních

Cat. no. : 2387

Price: 89

Size: H0

Pieces: 12

Description of the model: The Slovakian brewery Šariš has been in operation since 1967; the popular beer Smädný Monk has been brewed here since 1993. It follows the tradition of local monks brewing beer under Šariš Castle in the early Middle Ages;


Cat. no. : 2388

Price: 89

Size: H0

Pieces: 12

Description of the model: The quality light draught beer brewed from traditional brewery ingredients is characterized by high drinkability and refreshing taste. It is a popular brand in the segment of reasonably priced beers.

Clock American IPA / ALE

Cat. no. : 2389

Price: 89

Size: H0

Pieces: 12

Description of the model: CLOCK has been brewing craft beer in Potštejn since 2014. Since then, the brewery, which produces beers of all kinds, has won numerous awards. An integral part of the products are artistically successful labels in a comic book style.

You can buy the models

Gepard Model spol.s r.o.
Nám. SNP 87/8, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovensko
tel.: 00421 455320943