Series 10 – ČHŽ passenger cars and ČSD high-wall cars with cargo


Three passenger cars of the Čiernohronská železnice are presented in new versions:

The Bax/u4 car is currently operated without a buffet section, reserved for strollers and with a play area. The Bax/u1 car is painted without the lower light strip, the blue Bax/u3 car with a large-size sticker depicting the route of the planned Black Chronicle Electric Railway.

The high-wall car Va/u CSD 4515 is offered in an attractive horse carriage arrangement, while the other car (Va/u 4521 CSD) comes with a patina and a load of logs. The pair of horses may vary in colour, size and shape from car to car. Both wagons are fitted with a brake box as per the fact.

Models in the series

Passenger car Bax/u4 ČHŽ with reserved space for prams and wheelchairs

Cat. no. : 2344

Size: H0e

Pieces: 12

Passenger car Bax/u1 ČHŽ

Cat. no. : 2345

Size: H0e

Pieces: 12

You can buy the models

Gepard Model spol.s r.o.
Nám. SNP 87/8, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovensko
tel.: 00421 455320943