Series 13 – DRG flatcars with load


Four-axle DRG flatcars with loads of German military equipment. Attractive models are very realistically processed, including period camouflage. A rarity is the armored armored train, which after the war became part of the armored train General Pavlik.

Models in the series

SSys DRG + Pzkpfw IV

Cat. no. : 2465

Size: H0

Pieces: 12

Pao ČSD + Steyr s.Sp

Cat. no. : 2466

Size: H0

Pieces: 12

SSys DRG + landing craft LWS-1

Cat. no. : 2467

Size: H0

Pieces: 12

You can buy the models

Gepard Model spol.s r.o.
Nám. SNP 87/8, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovensko
tel.: 00421 455320943